UnSeen provided technology for the first NB-IoT data transfer in DNA live network

In the pilot project, indoor air condition sensor data was moved from Kesko retail facilities to TaloTohtori cloud service. This was the first time when Narrow Band IoT technology (NB-IoT) was used in DNA live network. The project was implemented together with DNA, Ericsson, UnSeen and TaloTohtori. Read more about the case from DNA’s page.

NB-IoT is further refinement on existing 4G cellular technology but optimized for devices using only small amounts occasional data, such as water and electricity gauges, sensors and other devices which transmit bits only at needed basis. The technique enables longer range, coverage in even more challenging locations than before, and allows to connect hundreds of thousands users simultaneously. Furthermore, significant amount of energy will be saved, as the is active only when needed. This means that batteries will last longer, even up to 10 years. You don’t need to pay a visit to the site that often.

The new technology clearly helps in cutting down data connectivity costs on many fronts: Components are simpler and will be lower cost than traditional 2G/3G/4G cellular modems, cellular operators can operate tens of thousands of devices per base station which reduces operating costs and building solutions is made easier. This means that solution development costs can be divided to larger number of applications. Completely new service and business models become economically viable. The technology gives companies a great opportunity to improve their competitiveness and profitability with new innovative solutions.


NB-IoT technology adds a new option to solve long range connectivity challenge and have it widely and consistently available across the geographies. At the time of deployment, network operators are able to easily upgrade their existing equipment to the NB-IoT technology. This ensures the reliability, quality of service and forward compatibility in the networks which are here for a long time. That’s also the way to offer reliability and quality of service what the customers are after with their connectivity solutions.

When deploying new NB-IoT technique, it is worth cooperating with a competent partner. UnSeen has over 15 years’ experience in developing products for wireless connectivity and we are leading solution provider with NB-IoT. Just recently, UnSeen introduced the fastest way to start NB-IoT projects. See how you can start your NB-IoT pilot in one week.

The pilot project, updating the 4G network to IoT time, was implemented together with DNA, Ericsson, UnSeen and TaloTohtori. Read more about the case from DNA’s page.

For more information, please contact: CEO Esa Alanen, +358 50 4874 092.